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- # From: schn0170@maroon.tc.umn.edu (Adam Schneider)
- {t:Walking Through Fire}
- {st:Mary Chapin Carpenter}
- #(This song is actually in the key of A, then it switches to B; I'm guessing
- # that Mary Chapin plays it in G & A with a capo on the second fret.)
- #(On a single guitar, you can do a pretty good rendition of the descending
- # pattern in C(9)-D by playing C(9) as x30010 and then changing to x30000
- # right before the D. For D(9) (in the latter part of the song), play it
- # as xx0230, and then xx0220 right before the E.)
- #(Each chord is half a measure.)
- [G](in[G]tro[C(9)]) [D] [G] [G] [C(9)] [D] [G] [G] [C(9)] [D] [G] [G] [C(9)] [D]
- [G] [G]When you set a [C(9)]match to your [D]heart[G], f[G]ueling it with [C(9)]bitterness[D] and doubt
- [G] [G]That's the place that [C(9)]once it [D]starts[G], n[G]o amount of [C(9)]tears can put [D]out
- [Em7] I kn[Em7]ow you're scared,[D] but no[D] one's spared[C] when you [C]play with ma[D]tches[D]
- You got me [G]walking through [G]fire [C(9)] [D]
- You got me [G]walking through [G]fire [C(9)] [D]
- Maybe you've been burned by lovers, maybe you've been scarred by the pain
- But baby, I'm not like the others, drawing moths to a flame
- Spite is like a spark, crackling in the dark, consuming all it catches
- And you got me walking through fire
- You got me walking through fire to get to you
- Got me walking through fire (walking through fire)
- You got me walking through fire (walking through fire)
- [F] You can [F]see the t[G]oll it's [G]taking,[Bb] you can [Bb]feel the f[C]aith it's [F]shaking
- [Cm7] You can [Cm7]hear the h[F]eart it's [F]breaking n[Bb]ow [Bb] [D] [D]
- [Em7](guit[Em7]ar sol[D]o) [D] [C] [C] [D] [D] [Bb] [Bb] [C] [C] [F] [F] [Esus] [E]
- [A](in[A]str[D(9)]umenta[E]l lea[A]d-i[A]n t[D(9)]o last[E] verse; note key change)
- [A] [A]Baby, I've been [D(9)]burned by the [E]fever,[A] [A] I've been sc[D(9)]orched by de[E]sire
- [A] But [A]baby, I am [D(9)]not your de[E]ceiver or your [A]eloqu[A]ent liar [D(9)] [E]
- [F#m] Your j[F#m]ealous heart[E] is tearing [E]us apart,[D] turning [D]love to a[Bm7]shes [E]
- When you got me [A]walking through [A]fire [D(9)] [E]
- You've got me walking through fire to get to you
- Got me walking through fire
- You've got me walking through fire
- You've got me walking through fire (walking through fire)
- You've got me walking through fire (walking through fire)
- As the fl[G]ames shoot [G]higher [D(9)] [E]
- You got me [A]walking through [A]fire (through [D(9)]fire), [E] walking
- [A](in[A]str[D(9)]ument[E]al) [A] [A] [D(9)] [E] [A] [A] [D(9)] [E]
- [Gsus9](fade) [Gsus9] [Gsus9] [Gsus9]